Rotuma Bill 2015 and Rotuma Lands Bill 2015
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See THE ROTUMA BILL NO. 6 OF 2015: WHAT IS AT STAKE FOR ROTUMA? By Lee-Anne Sackett, Romitesh Kant and Jason Titifanue, June 2018
From Zoe de Ruyter and Romano Sosefo in Suva (20 August 2015)
The Standing Committee for Social Affairs will soon be hearing submissions from the Rotuman Community in response to the Rotuma Petition. Zoe de Ruyter and Romano Sosefo have shared a template submission which people are welcome to use for their own submissions, adapt as they like or read for further detail and understanding of the concerns raised by the bills. The Rotuman community is encouraged to take this opportunity to raise their concerns in individual or group submissions with the Standing Committee for Social Affairs. Submissions should be sent to:
The Standing Committee for Social Affairs
Committee Unit
Parliament of the Republic of Fiji
PO Box 2352, Government Building,
Suva, Republic of Fiji
Ph: (679)3225611
Fax: (679)3305325
From Sosefo Inoke in Suva (15 June 2015)
There are two Bills concerning Rotuma and Rotumans before the Fijian Parliament, Rotuma Bill 2015 (Bill No. 6 of 2015) and Rotuma Lands Bill 2015 (Bill No. 7 of 2015).
I and many others have some serious concerns about these proposed laws. I have taken the liberty of drawing up a Petition (click here to download).
The Petition asks the Parliament to defer the passing of these Bills into law until further discussions and consultations have taken place. The reasons are set out in the Petition.
It can be signed by Rotumans and their friends and anyone who supports it.
People are free to change the wording of the Petition if they wish.
Individuals and groups can sign their petitions and forward them to the members of Parliament. The email addresses should be in the Fijian Government website.
There is some urgency because I believe these Bills will be passed into law in the next sitting of Parliament starting 6 July.
Commentary on the Bills by Henry Enasio (2 July 2015)
Commentary and Petition to Government by Joe Atu (2 July 2015)
Commentary and Petition to Government by Fuata Jione (16 July 2015)
Konrote Response to Fuata Jione (17 July 2015)
Facebook posting by Rosie Lagi (19 July 2015)
Meeting at Churchward Chapel, Suva, regarding Bills (23 July 2015)
Commentary by Tivaklelei Kamea (29 July 2015)
Submission to the Standing Committee for Social Affairs, by Fuata Jione & Aleksio Jione (29 April 2016)
Submission by Mojito Mua tothe Standing Committee on Social Affairs (29 November 2016)
Commentary on Rotuma Lands Act by Henry Enasio (16 December 2016)
Summarized Oral submission by Fuata Jione (27 December 2016)
Rotuma Review Committee Report of 2010 (2 January 2017)
What Is The Rotuma Lands Bill 2015? | Fiji Sun (9 January 2017)
Submission to the standing committee of social affairs on the Rotuma Bills no 6 and bill no 7 prepared by the Rotuma Council and Fiji Rotuma Association (18 January 2017)
Submission to the Standing Committee for Social Affairs, by Alberts kainaga (20 January 2017)
The question of Fiji's Maritime Claims, by U.S. Department of State (29 January 2017)