Sydney newspaper [28 April 2002]
Benz finds a new lease of life by tripping the light fantastic
Kate Crawford
After two years of mourning her husband's death, Elizabeth
[Gibson] Benz of Cremorne decided to let go.
"I needed something bright and happy in my life," she
Elizabeth Benz with certificate
and trophies |
By chance, Elizabeth came across a dance studio near
her Cremorne business premises. Although aged in her 60s, she was immediately
captivated by the flow of energy of ballroom dancing. So in 1999 she
started lessons with local teacher Tony Leoni. Now less than three
years later, Elizabeth is Tony's star pupil. She has reached gold level
in record time, having faced the judges through multiple silver and
bronze levels. She still takes lessons every week in Cremorne.
At the weekends, Elizabeth often trips the light fantastic
on the dance floors at the Randwick or Russian clubs. And instead of
a sedate annual holiday, Elizabeth spent her most recent holiday in
October swirling around the ballroom of the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas.
Competing against many dancers of her age in the international Nevada
Star ball, Elizabeth came first in the American waltz. She also scored
second and third placegettings in the other 12 dances in which she
competed. As her teacher, Tony partnered Elizabeth for the dances but
only Elizabeth is judged for the competition.
"I just love it--it's just a wonderful way to enjoy
yourself instead of sitting at home and watching television," she
said. "And I was determined to get to the gold level as soon as
possible because at my age you never know what's going to happen."
Elizabeth's energy is amazing. On a night out, she can
be on the dance floor for up to three hours, partnering other dance
devotees in favourite numbers like waltz, the rumba and the bolero.
Ballroom dancing has been a saving grace for Elizabeth
in the face of tragedy. She and her husband Karl were well-known figures
in Neutral Bay and Cremorne where for many years they ran a repair
business for office equipment. Elizabeth originally came from the remote
island of Rotuma, 400km north of Fiji. . . . She met Karl, an Austrian,
while she was doing nursing training in Sydney.
Elizabeth still runs the business and her ballroom trophies
jostle for space in the shop among the typewriters and fax machines.
Karl's death came only three years after their elder son, Eric, collapsed
and died from a heart attack at Freshwater Beach aged 26.
Elizabeth hopes to enter more overseas competitions when
the budget allows, as she has to meet her own travelling expenses and
buy the odd glamourous frock required for this particular hobby. But
that doesn't deter her.
"People often remark that I'm always smiling now," she