Seforana Kauata My name is Seforana Kauata and I am Rotuman. My parents are Alfred Kauata from Malhaha and Kiji from Itu‘muta, Rotuma. I attended Dudley High School and completed Form 6 in 2001. I attended Fiji Institute of Technology (F.I.T) from 2002-2004 and graduated in 2005 with a Trade Certificate in Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) Automotive Engineering.
I joined St. John Ambulance in Suva in May 2004 as a member and volunteer. I am in the Second Ambulance Division. In September 2004 I was a Colour Party member in the Investiture Service. In December 2004 I got a United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Award Certificate for Outstanding Junior Champion Volunteers-1st Runner Up and cheque of $250. Also in December 2004 I received the following certificates at the St. John Awards ceremony:
In 2006 I was attached at St. John Ambulance for seven months as a Volunteer Stores Clerk and also participated in the St. John Ambulance First Aid Competition; my group took third place with the highest marks in Exam and Resuscitation. I also was awarded:
In 2008 I was appointed to be a Foot-Drill Instructor for my Second Ambulance Division and in August I was an instructor for the St. John members in Foot-Drills who are to take part in the Hibiscus march.
I have two Certificates in Bible Study from Bible Training Institute (BTI). In 2006-2009 I attended New Zealand Pacific Training Centre (NZPTC) and have attained the following Certificates:
I graduated in 2009 with a Certificate IV in Information Technology. I am continuing with my Diploma in Information Technology.
In 2008 I earned two Yellow Belts in Shotokan & Goju Ryu Karate in just 11 months.
From Fiji Times Online (27 May 2009) Get your dreams
Believe in yourself, have faith and move forward to achieve your dreams says this confident youth. Twenty five-year-old Seforana Kauata is a proud volunteer at the St John Ambulance-Suva for the past five years. What he is more proud of and sees as an achievement is his success as a minority in society. "I being a Rotuman took the challenge to choose and work with an organisation that hardly has any of my people. It has never been hard for me to make friends with other races. It was a challenge for me. I did feel alone in the beginning but I didn't let anything bring me down because I was only focusing on my goals," said Seforana. He has always been passionate to work for a service organisation. "I wanted to learn more because that builds on my self-confidence, improves my character and helps me to become a better person in life. I was always interested to learn about St John's first aid and foot-drill. I found it to be very interesting," he said. As a volunteer, his top priority is to learn and help others. After four months of joining St John in 2004, Seforana became a member of the Colour Party in the Investiture Service which the President Ratu Josefa Iloilo received the Knight of Saint John at Government House. In December of the same year, he received the United Nations Award Certificate for outstanding junior champion volunteer's first runner up. He was also recognised for highest public duty male trophy at St Johns. Seforana has served for 400 hours in public duties attending sports events like rugby, soccer and hockey tournaments since 2004. He holds a yellow belt in karate. He is the sports co-ordinator at New Zealand Pacific Training Centre where he attends school to prepare for sports like rugby, soccer and volleyball for the inter-tertiary games. "I have achieved all that I had planned to achieve five years ago. It is very important for us to make plans, set goals and then work towards it. Take every opportunity that comes your way. Even if you don't achieve something, it's all right because at least you attempted it and there are no regrets," says Seforana. Born and bred in Suva boy is the second eldest of his three other siblings. The proud Rotuman hails from Malhaha in Rotuma. From Seforana Kauata (20 August 2009) I participated in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award doing the four sections of the bronze award.
Completed and received my Bronze Award Certificate and Badge on 12 August 2009. I am proud of myself and I thank God, my family and those who helped and supported me for getting this achievement. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is anyone aged between 14 and 24 can do a programme at 1 of 3 progressive levels which and when successfully completed lead to a bronze, silver or gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. There are four sections at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold.
With assistance from adult leaders, participants select and set objectives in each of the following areas:
From Seforana Kauata (30 October 2009) My dad "in the spotlight" of the Toyota Pacific Review
Mr.Alfred.Kauata What is your current position at Asco Motors-Fiji? How long have you worked for Asco Motors Fiji? What are your likes and dislikes? What is your favourite movie? What sort of music do you like? What is your favourite Food? What is your favourite Sporting Team? What is your favourite Car to Drive? Favourite holiday destination? What are your hobbies? What makes you laugh? Biggest achievement? From Seforana Kauata (20 December 2009)
On 12 December 2009 I participated in the Karate Competition representing the Goju Ryu Karate – YMCA Club. I won two golds and one silver in the following categories:
I did my grading in Goju Ryu Karate on 13 February 2010 and received my Orange Belt Certificate on 15 February 2010.
I received my Diploma in Information Technology on 31 March, 2010 after completing a Box Hill TAFE course from New Zealand Pacific Training Centre-NZPTC.
I received a Green Belt from Goju Ryu Karate Club on 13 September 2010. I participated and received a certificate in a Karate seminar with Sensei Klaudio Farmadin of Slovakia on 17 December 2010.
I did my Goju Ryu Karate grading for the next Belt on April 2011 and achieved my Blue Belt on May.
I have been training at YMCA Club Suva for 7 years now in Goju Ryu Karate. This year 2014, I received my Purple Belt and now achieved my Brown belt on October after finishing my Karate grading.
I attended a World Rugby First Aid course conducted by Fiji RugbyUnion on 6 June 2016 and received my Green Vest and Certificate on 14 June 2016 as a qualified World Rugby First Aider-Level 1 First Aid in Rugby. See certificate