By Maniue Vilsoni (Written on Saturday 22nd January, 2011 in Al Ain)
Into the Desert Mist
By Maniue Vilsoni

Sylvia Vilsoni trekking through the desert, 21/1/11
Into the desert mist
'n' winter rain
I trekked
boot soles tracing
an old camel track.
Onwards, to a rendezvous
by the rock tombs,
at the base of Jebel Hafeet;
each step was planted
with heavy-laden feet.
“Pack light”, dad clichéd!
just essentials?
I didn't care!
my knapsack load wasn't good
for my back's welfare.
Halfway, I realised
the wisdom of the ages:
don't be smart-alecky -
in the desert,
you need to think locally
I jettisoned: cassettes,
junk food,
tubes of cosmetic make,
Rayban sunglasses
'n' anything else that was fake.
'n' just as I threw down
the knapsack
for another stock-take
I sighted an eco-friendly nomad
cleaning up in my wake.
"Salaam habibti, keep the desert clean!"
he gently admonished,
the feller hummed a merry tune
when I picked my flotsam
on that Al Ain sand dune.