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The Inaugural Wilson Inia Day
18 August 2011


The massive hafa of 200 plus dancers and singers vibrated through the crowd mesmerised by the rhythmic movement and harmonious singing of ‘0tou hanua, otou Rotuma, fu pu’ata ‘e Pasefika’. Mea‘mea‘ sirien ma kat af ra ‘e jaja. Af kikia ‘e fatumanava.’

The hafa was composed and choreographed by Gagaj Taimanav (of Itu‘muta), a long serving staff member, teaching Rotuman language, culture, music etc. at the school.

For the 1000 strong crowd, it was rare sight to see a hafa of such a magnitude. There were a lot of accolades as such a hafa was again witnessed after a long time.

Videos of Hafa: video 1  video 2

The tiap hi‘i
The girls in tiap forau

Copra Cutting

After the competitors came with their coconuts, it was all mixed together and 10 were picked randomly for each person.

There were 10 competitors. Gagaj Tomanav of Malh‘’a, a first year automotive engineering student, won with a time of 1 minute and 42 seconds to cut 10 coconuts.

Ryan awaits the signal
Fereti is in full swing, representing Kalvaka
Gagaj Tomanav on his way to a record win

Basket Weaving

It was a mixture of boys and girls competing to weave a basket of 50 fronds. The winner once again went to Gagaj Tomanav of Mahla‘a with a time 3 minutes 21 seconds.

Henrietta on close supervision
Gagai Taimanav and Master Fatiaki inspecting the palm fronds
Gagaj Tomanav finishing jn record time for his 2nd win

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