Opening of Library Extension (14 August 2014)
The Library Extension was opened on Wilson Inia Day by former Principal John Tanu, who was guest of honour during the celebration day. This was another milestone for Rotuma High School. Two weeks before the opening they tested the comfort of the new room by holding the Year 7 mid-year exams in the building. It was an ideal room for such special purposes. It is so uplifting knowing that the students are enjoying the new facility. John Tanu was the Principal of Rotuma High School when Wesley Mission went to Rotuma in 2001 and built the library.
Some months ago, Mrs Seline Jione, the first librarian, resigned and took a new job at Rotuma Hospital as a dental assistant. She was a woman of many talents and made a huge contribution to the wider activities of the school. She was an accomplished singer and the school enjoyed her singing very much, especially during assembly. We thank her sincerely for her passion and leadership in administering the Library during her tenure of thirteen years. Her initial training was by Mrs Helen Clements, a librarian from Wesley Mission, and the late Harieta Katafono, a retired school teacher.
The new Librarian is Mr Jack George from Tuakoi; he is the brother of Betty Tuilakepa (Sakarie). The school is very fortunate to get an early replacement enabling a smooth transition. We wish Jack all the best and hope that he will enjoy his new job as much as Seline did.
Last month, a consignment of nine boxes were sent to the library. We are very grateful to the many friends in Sydney and Wesley Mission for their support in donating books. Thanks also to George and Lillian Pene and their family for the kind donation of two sets of encyclopaedias, a much needed addition to the library. We encourage those of you who have appropriate books to send them to the school. If you live in Sydney, just contact Rejieli Flexman and she will be very happy to pick them up from you. Our children of Rotuma need our support in every way we can.
Report submitted by Rejieli Flexman