Macgregor's Tentative Outline for the Ethnology of Rotuma
- I. Introduction and Early Accounts
- Scope of work and historical treatment
- II. Human Geography
- Position of Rotuma and its relation to the rest of Polynesia
and Melanesia
- Topography and location of political divisions or districts
- Routes of travel
- Sources of water and store supply
- Climate
- Seasons, Calendar and winds and astronomy
- Population
- Former people of interior
- Natural life of island
- Place names
- III. Archaeology
- Types of graves
- Double superimposed vaults
- Chief's burial. Recorded disinterments
- Cemetery of the high priest
- Unfilled pit burial with bodies in sitting position
- Cemetery of the king
- One rock pile grave
- Archaeological evidence of interior people
- Village sites and cemeteries
- IV. History
- Legend of first migration from Samoa and the creation of
island mass
- History and subsequent migrations as recorded in legends
- History of Rotuma as chronicled in the manuscript of Father
- V. Material Culture
- Canoes
- Fishing equipments
- Hunting equipment
- Weapons
- Other implements and utensils
- Adzes
- Houses
- House furniture
- Dress
- Mats
- Baskets
- Tapa (Uha)
- Tatoo
- Paints, oils and dyes
- Personal ornaments and ornamentation
- Musical instruments
- VI. Life of the People
- Individual
- Birth
- Education
- Adolescence and circumcision
- Marriage
- Relation of the sexes
- Social and official life
- Death and burial
- Life after death
- Occupational
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Carpentry
- Agriculture
- Foods and food gathering
- Cooking
- Division of labor between sexes
- Daily life and activities
- Kava ceremony and feasting
- Ceremonial making of gifts
- Dancing and singing and music
- Games
- Warfare
- Village life
- Etiquette and hospitality
- Medicine
- Miscellaneous
- VII. Social Organization
- Groups
- Family
- Household and eating group
- Hoag or larger family group
- Kinship system and function
- Genealogies
- Relationships
- Village
- Structure
- District
- Island society
- King or sau
- High priest or mua
- Dual form of government
- Land and society
- Family and the hoag
- Origin of holding
- Division of original pieces
- Rights and inheritance
- The individual and the land
- Land of the district
- Law
- VIII. Religion
- Gods
- Deities
- Ancestral gods and lands of the dead
- Spirits
- Totems
- Summary of religion
- IX. Legends and myths
- Translations
- Mythology of Rotuma
- X. Physical Anthropology
- XI. Interpretation of culture from history
- XII. Summary
- Analysis of culture
- Position of the language
- Position of the physical type
- Position of Rotuma in Polynesia at present state of knowledge