From Henry Enasio (18
July 2005)
Sincere congratulations and a big faiaksia are due to
Teresie and Ray for organising the recent repairs and maintenance of
the Rotuma Hospital. I am very impressed with the way Teresie has taken
the time to individually acknowledge all the financial contributors,
the Rotarians, helpers from overseas, and those who provided support
locally. Thank you both. I know Rotuma will always be grateful for a
job well done.
Besides the considerable love-in-action shown, there is also a good
lesson we can all learn from Teresie's acknowledgements. We Rotumans
love long speeches to herald good deeds, but when it comes to acknowledging
others I believe we often fall short. We always seem to shorten the list
and only acknowledge those whom we perceive to be important and close
to our heart. This I believe to be counterproductive and disheartening
to those whose contributions are ignored.
To be politically correct we must not leave out anyone if we are going
to recite the names of contributors. People are happier and will do more
when they are mentioned or thanked. Otherwise they will perceive themselves
to be unimportant, even though their deeds and contributions might add
up to a sizeable amount. The consequence of this is reflected in the
next round of fund raising or next community function. They won't turn
up and will have a ready excuse.
I have seen this happen too often, here in Australia as well as in Fiji
and Rotuma. There were a lot of fund-raising functions in the past where
some in the community were specially invited and were expected to contribute
for upgrading Rotuma’s hospital, schools, library etc., but all
the RIC heard about was the organiser, without a hint of the others who
helped make the project possible.
But worse, and it may sound ludicrous, but contributions of $2 and over
can be claimed in Australia for tax deductions. It has been claimed that
some of the organisers collected funds and deposited them into their
own bank accounts before issuing a personal cheque to Rotuma. This practice
of exploiting the system for tax benefit claims could add up to several
thousands of dollars. It has been said that they pocket the refund rather
than redirecting it to Rotuma. If it was done properly, there should
be only one fund-raising function and the money should to be sent to
Rotuma. The perceived practice has done a lot of damage in the past and
people are wary of it when the same person/persons are involved. All
it did was to fragment and scatter the community rather than bring our
folks together.
Hence a big faiaksia to Teresie and Ray
Henry Enasio
Sydney Australia