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Archived News: February 2013

From Council of Rotuma (26 February 2013)

The Council of Rotuma has released an executive summary of the final outcome of consultations conducted throughout Rotuma from 9-12 July 2012 by a committee that was appointed by the Council of Rotuma to prepare its submission to the Constitution Review Commission.

Download a pdf copy

From Sanimeli Maraf in Rotuma (13 January 2013, posted 12 February)

Hurricane Evan missed Rotuma and we're so thankful for that. It was wet most of the time and the faras had to be held at the hall. We had faras from Hapmak and the PWD last week at the hall. The folks from Hapmak brought their families (mostly Malha‘a people), their visitors, and teenagers. I also saw some Motusa people and some Fijian guys. It was a huge fara and everyone enjoyed themselves. I had to laugh at some of them standing around, waiting for the music to start—they never sat down. The PWD fara.  They didn't arrive till 9 pm, so most people had gone to bed or were drinking grog or watching TV.

The weekend was quiet because it was the closing of the holiday season. At this moment the Lady Sandy is at the wharf unloading, but because of the bad weather it won't leave until tomorrow. We're expecting the Rokovoko, the government boat, tomorrow to bring our D.O's son's body. He died in Suva last week. It's sad because he was a teenager and his twin brother also died in an accident.Maraf, Pensamino, and the chairman are meeting today to discuss the matter and what to do.

[A few days later, 17 January] The government boat is still at the wharf waiting for a part to come on tomorrow's flight from Fiji. Failing that, the boat will be here longer. The Tuvalu boat is expected to be here next week for foodstuff trading. People can travel on that boat to Suva.

Things are so quiet now that most of our visitors left for Fiji on Lady Sandy. This morning our new minister for Mairo, Reverend Taito and his wife, Mua, visited us. This Sunday there will be a welcome service for them. Maraf also invited them over for his 84th birthday party next week on Friday the 25th. We'll be collecting Maraf's birthday cake tomorrow at the airport. It was arranged by Ramisese, who works for Pacific Sun in Nadi. It was very good of her to do this for us and I am so grateful.

The high school starts on 22 January.