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Archived News: March 2024

22 March 2024

Thanks to the efforts of Research Scientist Sela Panapasa at the Institute for Social Research at the University Michigan, the United States Census Bureau will be able to count and tabulate persons who identified themselves as Rotumans or Part-Rotumans in the United States. To be recorded as a Rotuman a respondent must choose, in the section on Race and Ethnicity, “Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic” and write in Rotuman in the blank provided.

The 2020 Census shows a count of 81 persons who chose Rotuman “Alone,” and 377 who chose Rotuman “Alone or in any combination” with another race (White, Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, or Asian group) in the United States.

According to Dr. Panapasa, having Rotuman as an ethnic category will increase recognition of these people as a unique population with their own culture and history.

From Fiji Times (1 March 2024)

Rotuma chief hails GCC

By Sainimili Magimagi

Rotuma chief hails GCC

The council is bylaw-ready and headed in the right direction, says a delegate of Rotuma to the Great Council of Chiefs meeting.

Gagaj Manav said what transpired over the two-day event showed the country was moving forward.

“We will move forward together with the iTaukei chiefs,” Gagaj Manav said.

He said when the time came, the island would be willing to host the Bose Levu Vakaturaga.

Gagaj Manav told this newspaper outside the meeting venue at Pacific Harbour on Thursday the islanders would be more than willing to host the council if given the opportunity.

“There is a plan forward for it, that one day we will take the Great Council of Chiefs to Rotuma as we are part of it,” he said.

“Now that we’ve liaised with chiefs in Fiji, we will be able to take the next meeting there or maybe in years to come.”

Gagaj Manav said it was good that “we are now recognised in Fiji”.

“We are blessed to be part of the delegation of the Bose Levu Vaka Turaga.”

The Rotuman chief said most issues raised by the iTaukei chiefs were similar to those faced on the island, right from the grassroots level.

Rotuma is part of the GCC among the 14 provinces in Fiji, with three delegates representing the island.

Gagaj Maraf and Gagaj Suakmaas were also in attendance at the two-day event.