"Another Day in School"

by Harieta Vilsoni

Down the road through Al Ain lane
Driving to AAESS
To start another new day

I’d drop off Sylvia
Then head straight to the office
Sign in my name
Then sit in an empty space

Sometimes I'd study
Sometimes I'd stare
But many times
I'd write poetry instead

Ringa ding ding
Goes the bell to my first class
English! Is it?
Quickly I dash out the door

Good morning Miss
As I enter the classroom
I'd sit in the corner
Listening to what she's teaching

X multiply by Y
I'm now in math's class
Algebra my favorite
But the rest
do I need help

Ringa ding ding
The bell goes again
Packed and ready
I'm now on my way
To the IT lab

Heading up the stairs
Is always a tough to face
Students blocking my way
Just to stop and chat
With their mates

Computers all around me
Just sitting and staring
Is all there is
For today to study

It's now lunch time
And i find myself
Walking through the corridor
hoping someone could talk to me
"Harieta!" as i quickly turn to see
but it was all just my imaginary thinking

While sitting and staring
At friends with their friends playing
I took a picture out of my wallet
There stood my friends and I
During the good old days we spend
In the old
Neighborhood, Flagstaff

But this time it was different
It's only me I see
Sitting quietly here
How can this be?
But hey it's life
You got to live through it right?

The bell now is slow
Half way through the day
And I'm still smiling away

OH! Snap
I'm late for class
"Knock, knock"
Sorry Sir!
Traffic in the corridor

Quickly I settle down
Without a word
I read my notes

It's funny really
Now seeing myself quiet
Seeing myself studying
When before
I had a hard time
Getting my feet off the playing field
And sticking my nose
To my thick text books

End of class
It's now half past one
And my timetable says
I'm free for the rest of the day