"A Perfect Birthday"
by Harieta Vilsoni
At the age of ten
All I wanna to be
Was sweet sixteen
And then came
April the 15th, 2006
16 candles awaits
Ready to be lit
So make a wish
I whispered
Within my feelings
The many things
That the world
Could have given me
But I only seek
For that one good reason
It was during that month
When mum came down
And two days after
Little Syl blew her 10th candle
It was more of a family reunion
Joined by Moira and
Precious Anne-Mary
Just like the picture perfect
I once dreamt before
My birthday
It was such an exciting new week
That I decided to have a new look
Now a year older
I'm feeling good as ever
It was all I ever wanted
For a perfect birthday
With my family at each end
My friends with a helping hand
And sports to play
With school so great..
What else can I say?
But with a smile each dayJ