Contemporary Rotuman Artists

Christine Molilava Fatiaki

From Fiji Times (18 August 2023) 

Practice makes perfect

By Pauliasi Mateboto


The adage that practice makes perfect rings true for Blessed 2 Bless Fashion owner Christine Molilava Fatiaki.

By looking at her garments one would easily assume she has been sewing and designing clothes since childhood or attended fashion and garment making classes.

But the fact is Ms Fatiaki has just started.

While growing up, she was passionate about the ocean and marine life and wanted to pursue a career in that field, However, fate had a mind of its own and things didn't go according to her plan.

It was after having her first child that her interest in sewing grew.

So instead of buying clothes for her newborn, she would sew them herself and this gave her the practical experience and training she needed.

So, she practised, researched, and developed her skill at her home up until last year when she took the bold step to open her boutique at the Suva Flea Market.

Her talents were immediately recognized by fashion gurus. In July, she was chosen to be one of the few small and medium fashion boutiques to be part of the inaugural Makete Fashion Show.

Ms Fatiaki showcased four of her garments at the July fashion event.

When asked about how she was able to make such beautiful garments, she said it was through trial and error at home. She said like all things in life 'practice makes perfect' and that's what she did.

Ms Fatiaki said she researched current fashion trends and through hours of practice she was able to make the garments. While she continues to discover her creative side,

Ms Fatiaki has also used her art as a platform for promoting fashion unique to her homeland of Rotuma.

At her Blessed 2 Bless fashion boutique one can find a range of jewelry, garlands, and headpieces made from Tefui a flower unique to Rotuma.

She told The Fiji Times that while she never thought of being a boutique owner and transitioning into fashion, she believed one should always embrace change and make it work accordingly.

She has urged Fijians to harness their hidden talents and use them to grow as an artist.

Contemporary Rotuman Artists