17: Levuka and Cawaci
After leaving Rotuma at the end of December 1960 I returned to Suva,
where I stayed until August 1961. During that time I visited several
other places in Fiji, including Levuka, where I stayed at the
hostel operated by Dr. Aisea Erasito and his wife Marieta. I spent one
day at the Catholic Mission Station at Cawaci, where several Rotuman
nuns were in residence, including Sister Theophile (Rarikue), Sister
Mary Francis Assisi (Mereana), Sister Mary Bernadine (Agsela), and Sister
Mary Felicia (Lusia Mafai). Sister Mary Viana (Monika Marieta) was teaching
at the Loreto School. There were several Rotuman novices at Cawaci as
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