Dengue Fever Update (25 February 1998)
As of this date Rotuma has reported 20 cases of degue
fever, or a rate of 8.3% of the population (listed as 2409 persons,
probably based on the 1996 census). There have been two hospital
From Reverend Jione Langi in Auckland (28 February 1998)
We are all well and so are the rest of the members of our Auckland
Rotuman Fellowship (community) and the A.R. Methodist Fellowship (church).
Though the word Methodist is used our ministry is not exclusive; it's
for all interested Rotuman people and their friends in the greater
Auckland region.
The holiday period is now over but because of the power cut in the
main centre of Auckland, many of our students who attend the University
and the Auckland Institute of Technology and those who work in the
city have to stay home for these two weeks. The Mercury Energy people
have been working very hard to supply electricity back to the city
so that things can go back to normal.
Riga is well and she enjoys her work as a care giver (nurse) at Christ
Hospital, for the elderly people run by the Selwyn Trust of the Anglican
Church. She works part time there (4pm-9pm, Tues-Sat). Rowena is doing
her second year at the A.I.T--a diploma in business studies (Toursim).
Rejieli passed her finals last November. Her graduation is in April
with her Bachelor in Nursing. She is now a registered nurse in NZ.
Etika is enjoying his work in Sydney. He likes it out there.
As for Susau Strickland, she is facing the greatest challenge in her
life. Everything went well during her induction on the 8th November,
last year. The President of the Methodist Church in Fiji (Rev. Dr.
Ilaitia Tuwere and Mrs Tuwere) came to take part in that special occassion.
It was a history-creating event in the life of the Fijian/Rotuman Methodist
people in NZ. Susau is the first woman to be accorded that high office
of the church. We have had Samoan and Tongan men who were elected to
both positions--President and V/President--but Susau is the first woman
from the Pacific and of course from the small island of Rotuma. Her
brother Mama'o Konusi and niece 'Aliti and her husband Alfred Williame
came. The Auckland members of the NZRFellowship performed a hafa and
a bus plus a few car loads went down to Wellington and provided the
feast and the entertainment on the Saturday night. Of course our Fijian
and Rotuman people in Wellington helped us to make the historic event
successful. Susau is away quite often from us now attending to V/Presidential
duties all over the country.
Our Auckand Rotuman Fellowship (church) had our first 'Nate
ne Kaunohoga' (family donation) last Sunday (22/02) and collected
$1400+. We will be running a stall at the Pasifika Festival (07/03).
There will be B.B.Q plus a lot of fekei and
other items to sell to raise funds for our Fellowship.
As this is our first Newsletter this year, may we as a family wish
Rotumans everywhere the best for 1998. To our children, do your best
in school, for those at High School or Tertiary level, make 1998 the
best year yet in studies. For those who have finished with their study
and are still looking for work, may you find the desire in your heart. "Trust
in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs
From Elisapeti Inia in Suva (15 February 1998)
The 'Bulau ni Ceva' will be leaving Suva this Tuesday 17 February
for Rotuma and Reverend Samuela and his wife Makereta are going to
Motusa to be the fekau there because Reverend
Emotama Pene has left Rotuma to go to Australia for further studies.
Reverend Samuela is transferred from Lautoka to Rotuma and Reverend
Irava Fatiaki takes his place. Here in Suva the Rotuman Choir of Churchward
Chapel will be celebrating the 50th year soon and are busy taumaka for
the occasion.
From the Fiji Times (26 January 1998)
Sylvia Joe is a well-known golfer. She is the
grand-daughter of Gagaj Garagsau and Siulie of Juju and the
wife of Michael Joe of Joe's Farm.
Donna Cavuilati is a cyclist and triathlete.
She is the daughter of Pio and Suliana of Tuakoi. |
Sportswoman of the Year runner-up Sylvia Joe (right)
and Donna Cavuilati (cycling) at the awards night at the National
From Major-General Jioje Konrote in Lebanon (24 February
We are all breathing a very big sigh of relief as a potential conflict
in the Gulf which could have plunged the whole Middle East into war
had been once again averted. Whilst the UN Security Council is yet
to sanction and ratify the finer details of the Annan/Hussein 'deal',
I believe that all peace loving members of the global community should
commend the Secretary General for exercising such tremendous tact and
diplomacy in persuading the Iraqi leader to 'tow the line'. It does
not pay to be a rogue state in threatening the Middle East region and
perhaps the entire world community with weapons of mass destruction.
Saddam Hussein is indeed and expert in the 'art of brinkmanship'. On
the other hand, the soft-spoken Kofi Annan admitted to reporters in
Baghdad prior to his departure that he is a very strong beleiver in
the power of prayer and asked for Divine assistance in resolving the
crisis peacefully. As a peacekeeper it is so heartening to to know
that diplomacy and dialogue does work (unfortunately not all the time).
We have shelved our NBC (nuclear/biological & chemical)
suits and gas masks for the time being ........ until the next round?
The events of last week reminded me once again of the period preceding
the 1990/91 Gulf War when I was Deputy Force Commander UNIFIL and my
frantic efforts to get Sarote, Emmanuel and Andrew out of the Middle
East via Paris and London before Saddam Hussein fired his first scud
missile into Israel. The boys were too young then to fully understand
why I had to cut short their holiday and send them home so abruptly.
They are planning to come back for another visit during the first term
school holidays but would like to know if Saddam Hussein is not going
to spoil their holiday again?
Yesterday I flew up to Beirut to meet the US Ambassador (HE Mr Richard
Jones ) and the British Ambassador (HE Mr Michael McClenan ) respectively
in another round of talks and consultations about the implementation
of UN Resolutions 425/426. The UN sponsored peace talks in Brussels
which are scheduled for this week to kickstart the stalled Israeli/Palestinian
peace process again should be helpful towards the attainment of peace
in Lebanon as well. Yasser Arafat has arrived for the talks but it
is yet to be confirmed whether Netanyahu would be attending.The 'exitement'
of the last couple of days had certainly kept us on our toes.The life
of a peacekeeper in this most volatile region is certainly not boring
nor is it monotonous as each day brings with it a new challenge.
Hanisiof and God bless, Jioje.
From Major-General Jioje Konrote in Lebanon (17 February
Sarote ma kaunohoagta returned home at
the end of last month to enable Emmanuel and Andrew to make it back
to school on time.They certainly enjoyed their short stay with me over
the festive season and it was equally sad when I had to bid them farewell
on their departure. I have been following the Rotuman news on the website
with great interest. In fact it is so good to be able to learn what
other members of the Rotuman community are doing worldwide.
It has been about five months since I assumed command of the United
Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) and in this region where
religious, cultural and ethnic conflict and violence has been endemic
for centuries, the passing of each day could be described as very 'interesting'
Since its inception UNIFIL is still trying to implement United Nations
Resolutions 425 & 426, adopted on the 19th March 1978 following
the first Israeli Defence Force invasion of Lebanon, which mandated
the Force to confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from South Lebanon,
restore international peace and security in its area of operation,
and assist the government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its
effective authority in the area.
Mounting Israeli casualties over the last couple of months as a consequence
of increased Islamic resistance (mainly Hezbollah--party of god) attacks
against continued Israeli occupation of South Lebanon has resulted
in Netanyahu's government being pressured by the opposition and a substantial
section of the Israeli community to pull its forces out of the 'Lebanese
UNIFIL is now the biggest and perhaps the most complex and difficult
peacekeeping operation worldwide and I feel very honoured and priveleged
to be commanding it. There are fifteen different nations represented
in the military and civilian component of the Force which has a total
strength of about 5000 personnel.
To date about 230 members of the Force have been killed in the course
of duty and since assuming command, I have unfortunately lost another
two soldiers (a Fijian and a member of the Polish Logistic Battalion).
In terms of peacekeeping, UNIFIL's casualty rate is considered unacceptable
and the most difficult part of my job is keeping all personnel under
my command safe and well at all times as we endeavour to keep the Israelis
and the different Lebanese and Palestinian warring factions apart.
Due to the latest political, but more importantly military, developments
in the Middle East (breakdown in the Israeli/Palestinian peace process
and now the US and Allied forces buildup in the Gulf for a possible
military strike against Iraq), the overall security situation in this
entire region could be assessed as very explosive. Within our own area
of operations there has been no change to the status quo, the situation
remains very unpredictable, extremely volatile and highly charged.
There are about 30 of our Rotuman servicemen who are presently serving
on peacekeeping duties in the Middle East. The majority of our men
are serving under my command with the 1st Battalion Fiji Infantry Regiment
and the rest are with the 2nd Battalion deployed with the Multinational
Force and Observers on the Sinai - Israeli/Egyptian border). I can
assure you that there are many times when we all long for the peace
and tranquility of our home island of Rotuma.
Despite the dangers, risks, frustrations and other numerous problems
which are normally associated with peacekeeping, everyone is in reasonably
good spirits and no doubt fully committed to our thankless and most
difficult task of restoring and maintaining peace in this so called
'land of milk and honey'.
Recently I have been very much involved in 'shuttle diplomacy' between
the Israelis and Lebanese in our collective search for the ideal solution,
which hopefully would result in a comprehensive and lasting peace for
South Lebanon. It is going to be an 'uphill slog with very little light
at the other end of the tunnel' but we will continue trying.
As Force Commander I have yet to lose my sense of humour, but there
are times when I am more than convinced that fishing and gardening
in Rotuma would have been a better option to being the 'meat in the
sandwich' for continuously being caught in the crossfire.
I will try and keep you updated about our 'plight' in this part of
the world and humbly request that you include this hanuju in
your next update of the Rotuma news.
Please remind all the kainaga and friends
to spare us a thought and remember us in your prayers. Cheerio for
now and God bless. Jioje.
From Hawai'i (16 February 1998)

Nani Keanu and Tifare Sosefo |
The Tefui Club of Hawai'i held a campout at Malaekahana Beach Park
over the President's Day Holiday weekend. As usual, it was well-attended
and we had a grand time singing, dancing, laughing and eating a lot.
We had our monthly meeting at the camp and discussed plans for the
upcoming wedding of Tifäre Sosefo and Nani Keanu on
11 April in Hauula, on the north shore of Oahu. Nani is Part-Hawaiian
and will add to the Rotuman-Hawaiian mixture that characterizes our
group. She has a son, Kamaka, age 6, who has been warmly adopted into
the community.
In the weeks before the wedding
the Tefui Club will hold a series of taumaka to
practice for a Rotuman tautoga at the
event. For other photos from the campout click on the thumbnail sketches
Re: the late Mr Makrava Eliesa Fesaitu, age 32 years
old (11 February 1998)
Mr & Mrs Nofaga Fesaitu, Children, Grandchildren and In-laws would
like to sincerely express their gratitude and appreciation to all relatives,
friends in Fiji, Rotuma and abroad for their prayers, kind assistance,
floral tributes and condolences during the sad loss of their beloved
son, brother, uncle and in-law who was called to rest on 30th January,
Special thanks to Doctor John Fatiaki, Doctor Welby F Korwa, Doctors,
Staff and Nurses of CWM Hospital, Fekau Atalifo, Fa Hua'ta Fesaitu,
Hon Paul Manueli, Churchward Chapel Choir,Nadawa/Nadera MYF, Police
Traffic Dept., Kaurot ne Kinoya, Atalifo's family, Hensasiga Club,Rosarina
Eugene family, Tigarea family, Mojito Rejieli Mua & Miki Konrote
family, Tausia Mere family, Mafhanua Clan, Isireli Luisa family, Hensasiag
ne Nadi & Lautoka, Maka Elenoa family,Muaror family, Ö'hön
Nonu Titatu, Sopapelu Irava family, Rigamoto Emeli family (Vatukoula),
Titifanua Makereta family, Ö'hön Emeli Kauata family, Ö'hön
Fonmanu Samisoni family, Marseu Kaituu family, Visoni Luisa family, Ö'hön
Fauoro Akata (Nadi), Ö'hön Vamarasi Pesamino (Lautoka), Makrava
Clan, Fesaitu Clan, USP Finance Dept., neighbours and all those who
assisted us in generous ways.
May God Bless You All. Please accept this as our personal acknowledgement.
From Marie Dickinson in Sydney (10 February 1998)
The cable-laying ship Pacific Guardian left for Fiji last Wednesday,
February 4. This was after a long stay in Sydney--since October last
year. They were berthed at Darling Harbour, which is right in the city.
The city skyline and harbour views served as a great backdrop for the
many social activities held by the predominately Rotuman crew--New
Year's Eve and Australia Day celebrations, complete with fireworks,
in particular. They were due to arrive in Fiji on February 10, and
after a week will sail on to Rotuma where they will stay another week.
We would like to wish the large Rotuman crew a happy reunion with
their families in Fiji and on Rotuma. Last month I was honoured to
be invited to a dinner onboard at which the Captain officially announced
the promotion to bosun of Savea, son of Tarepea & Fot'agkaurira
of Lopta.
From Dave Saunders, Ministry of Health, Fiji (1 February
To date there have been more than 6,500 clinically presenting cases
of Dengue Fever. Some of these cases have shown signs of Dengue Haemorrhagic
Fever (DHF), a more serious form of the disease. There have been eight
deaths due to suspected DHF to date, all reported from CWM hospital
in Suva. The most recent death occurred in an eight year old boy on
Monday, 26 January at the CWM Hospital after he had been admitted for
four days. This brings the death toll to eight. There have been two
additional deaths suspected as being dengue, but they are not yet unconfirmed.
Viti Levu is currently in the midst of a massive and serious Dengue
Fever epidemic. CWM Hospital Medical Superintendent Mary Schramm reports
that CWM has treated over 3,000 patients with suspected Dengue Fever.
Hospital records show that 2,323 cases were seen between the 13th and
27th of January, with 162 admissions in the same period. Accurate outpatient
data prior to the 13th January was unavailable at the time of this
release, but there could have been at least 1,000 clinical cases seen
prior to that date at CWM. This would indicate that at least 5,000
cases have been seen in the Central and Eastern Divisions since the
outbreak began (roughly 6% of the population has been affected).
Dr. S. Veitogavi, Divisional
Medical Officer Central / Eastern reports that in the rest
of Central Division the following cases have been seen to
date: |
Number of dengue cases
Facility |
To date (clinical)
2,323* |
Raiwaqa (since 03/01) |
140 |
Valelevu (since 10/01) |
244 |
Samabula (since 10/01) |
450 |
Nuffield (since 10/01) |
383 |
Navua Sub. (since 03/01) |
213 |
no report
Rewa Sub. (since 03/01) |
122 |
no report
Naitasiri Sub. (since 24/01) |
38 |
no report
Tailevu Sub. (since 10/01) |
15 |
no report
Lomaiviti |
8 |
no report
Lakeba |
25 |
no report
Kadavu |
7 |
no report
Rotuma |
2 |
no report
3,969 |
At least 260
* Includes only outpatients seen
since 13 January. Actual number is higher. |
** No facilities for admitting
patients. |
Dr. Veitogavi warned that school children were the
latest victims of the dengue epidemic, with increasing numbers seen
in area health centres since schools re-opened. Health inspectors
found that many of the schools in the Division had not implemented
clean-up measures, and mosquito larvae were found. He urged schools
not to waste any more time in implementing clean-up measures, fearing
the trend in infected school children would continue to increase.
In the past week (19 to 27 January), at least 569 clinically
diagnosed cases were reported by Divisional Medical Officer Western,
Dr. Yogen Narayan. All six medical subdivisions are currently affected
- Nadi, Lautoka, Ba, Rakiraki, Tavua and Sigatoka. There were 290
cases seen during the previous week (12 to 18 January) making 859
cases seen in the past two weeks. To date, there have been at least
1,500 cases seen in the Western Division.
In the Northern Division, there have been at least
35 clinical cases of dengue reported from Labasa Hospital to date,
and 25 of those have been admitted. In addition, there have been
at least two suspected cases seen at Nabouwalu Hospital.
Large scale clean-up efforts continue despite heavy
rains affecting much of the country, particularly in affected areas.
There have been reports of rising diarrhoea cases in children as
well from around the country, with at least two deaths reported in
children - an eight year old boy and a nine month old baby.
(12 February 1998 update of the dengue fever epidemic)
Here is the latest official press release on dengue fever from the
Ministry of Health in Fiji.
To date there have been nearly 11,063 clinically-presenting cases
of dengue fever. Some of these cases have shown signs of dengue haemorrhagic
fever (DHF), a more serious form of the disease. There have been eight
deaths due to suspected DHF to date, all reported from CWM hospital
in Suva. The most recent death occurred in an eight year old boy on
Monday, 26 January at the CWM Hospital. Rotuma
has reported 5 cases to date, all outpatients.
It appears that dengue fever cases are on the rise, and are widespread.
Lautoka Hospital has noted a surge in outpatients seeking treatment
for suspected dengue fever in the past few days. The epidemic can be
expected to continue and worsen unless members of the public act quickly
and decisively to destroy mosquito breeding sites in their areas, and
in areas under their responsibility.
Dr. S. Veitogavi, Divisional Medical Officer, Central Eastern Division,
warned that school children were the latest victims of the dengue epidemic,
with increasing numbers seen in area health centres since schools re-opened.
Health inspectors found that many of the schools in the Division had
not implemented clean-up measures, and mosquito larvae were found.
He urged schools not to waste any more time in implementing clean-up
measures, fearing the trend in infected school children would continue
to increase.
There have still been no reports of tourists or visitors to Fiji being
affected through the media or through rumours, and while the epidemic
appears to be widespread, it still seems to be limited mostly to areas
where most visitors are unlikely to go - peri-urban areas, rural villages
and settlements, school and government compounds, industrial areas
and remote outer islands. Visitors are advised to take normal precautions
against day-biting mosquitoes, and to avoid the above-mentioned areas.
The risk for the average visitor appears to be low.
David Saunders
Ministry of Health, Fiji
(24 February update update of the dengue fever epidemic
To date there have been at least 15,916 cases of suspected dengue
fever, with 805 admissions presenting at Ministry of Health Facilities.
It appears that weekly suspected case levels are declining, particularly
in Viti Levu, but this is not an indication that the epidemic is over.
There is still no room for complacency - this epidemic has taught
us the need for long-term vigilance. The Dengue fever problem will
not go away unless the public takes the disease seriously, and makes
a concerted effort to keep their living environments free of mosquito
breeding sites.
Declines have occurred in case loads at CWM Hospital over the last
two weeks, with less dramatic declines observed in the Western Division.
The most recent death occurred on 14 February at CWM Hospital, bringing
the current death toll to 10, with all victims coming from the greater
Suva area.
At least 2% of Fijiís population has been affected to date
(not counting those who may have sought treatment from private doctors).
However, in Suva, the attack rate since the beginning of the epidemic
in mid-December is nearly 7%, with an overall rate of 4.5% in the Central
Division - the most heavily affected area. Attack rates are less than
1% >in the Western Division (0.64%), the Eastern Division (0.67%)
and the Northern Division (0.3%). If current rates persist, and if
the epidemic has in fact peaked in the most heavily affected and populated
areas, then it is doubtful that overall prevalence rates will exceed
5% nationally, and 10% in the Central Division.
The case fatality rate stands at 0.6 deaths per 1000 cases, compared
to a case fatality rate of 8.1 per 1000 during the 1989-1990 epidemic.
This is believed largely to be due to the hard work of hospital staff
to identify and manage serious cases, and with technical assistance
provided by the World Health Organization. Four of the 10 deaths have
been autopsied. Autopsy reports indicate that two deaths were highly
compatible with a diagnosis of dengue (one tested sero-positive), while
two were inconclusive.
The Eastern Division [which includes Rotuma], has a combined
population of roughly 50,000. The islands so far account for a little
more than 2% of the total cases reported to date, and an overall attack
rate of < 1%.]
David Saunders, Ministry of Health, Fiji